Berlin tomorrow

It’s a few weeks into the semester and tomorrow is the Stefan Behnisch studio trip to Berlin. It’s my second time there since November’s Design Engaged. We’re going to be looking at the Palast der Republik, and I’m going to be scouting archives, Plattenbau, and ornament. Also, the Transmediale is happening, which will be good, too. I’ve never been. The people in the studio, for the most part, haven’t been to Berlin before (or if they have, it was a while back). I love seeing Berlin through other people’s eyes.
I really can’t procrastinate anymore on packing and writing my journal response for Peggy Deamer’s Contemporary Architectural Theory class (this week, it’s Foucault on heterotopias, Tafuri on the avant-garde and Althusser making me doze off as I get lost between his sentences on humanism-inhuman-antihumanism). So. I’m off to write and pack, sleep a bit, and fly. More photos — I swear — too. But in the meantime? Running around one of my very favorite places anywhere.

1 comment

  1. 5 minutes this time? Come, be my birthday present. 😉 Potsdam is so close to Berlin, …

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