Soon, a new Yo La Tengo album and tour! I still love this band so much and hope to be in the right place at the right time for their tour. The album’s called I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass. Matador has made the first single available, “Pass the… Continue reading New Yo La Tengo!
Month: July 2006
Everything will change
After reading my lament about not knowing what I wrote a year ago when I moved to New Haven, Tom Carden sent me a year of Girlwonder from Bloglines. Thank you so much, Tom! So this is what I wrote while I was flying to New Haven. And this is my post from July 26,… Continue reading Everything will change
I left my heart in …
On July 26, 2005 I pulled my suitcase out the door of the flat at 24th and Guerrero for the last time. The cab rushed me off to San Francisco International Airport early in the morning. With that, I began my move to New Haven and began my leaving of San Francisco. I expected to… Continue reading I left my heart in …
Off to Hampi tonight
Off this weekend to see something of India! A group of us is going to Hampi. Built in 1336, Hampi became a flourishing city and trading community, boasting a population of 500,000 at its height. In 1565, a series of Deccan raids brought the city to its knees, destroying Hampi’s temples and markets. From the photos… Continue reading Off to Hampi tonight
An everyday life museum about East Germany
Berlin has opened a DDR Museum: a museum of East Germany. It’s right next to the Palastruine, the ruins of the Palast der Republik. A perfect location, and easier to get to than the Documentation Center of GDR Everyday Culture (Dokumentationszentrum Alltagskultur der DDR) on the Polish border. The New York Times gives a favorable… Continue reading An everyday life museum about East Germany
Access in India blocked to Blogspot, Typepad
UPDATE: Indeed, logging on from home, we can’t get to individual Blogspot pages. In response to Melissa’s comment, it’s not just people in the tech community but particularly bloggers because they have a means of publication and voice in their own hands: they are media participants. It’s not a matter of making people feel safe,… Continue reading Access in India blocked to Blogspot, Typepad
The missed opportunity
In reading Matt Webb’s presentation at We Love Technology, I was struck by one of his side notes: his comment about missed television. He said, My experience of missed-TV has become a social one. Even if someone doesn’t have the programme I’m after, we have an excuse to talk. It’s engaging because it taps into… Continue reading The missed opportunity
Dancing Originally uploaded by PinkHamsters. Fuga offered a preview to architects and designers of its new club in Bangalore. Carolyn and I went along. The club is really something: so many different materials and textures at play and dramatic lighting. It felt more like something I’ve seen in Amsterdam (the Supper Club because of the… Continue reading Dancing
Driving in Bangalore
I was merely a passenger, not a driver. So I captured some Saturday afternoon traffic.
Thoughts at the end of my second week
It’s Friday, the end of my second work week (and my ninth day) in Bangalore. When I got sick on Sunday and then the bombings in Mumbai happened, I didn’t update the way that I otherwise might have. Not a surprise… that’s what happens when you’re busy being somewhere. So let me cover a few… Continue reading Thoughts at the end of my second week