After reading my lament about not knowing what I wrote a year ago when I moved to New Haven, Tom Carden sent me a year of Girlwonder from Bloglines. Thank you so much, Tom!
So this is what I wrote while I was flying to New Haven. And this is my post from July 26, 2005, 4:32 p.m:
I’m somewhere over the western third of the United States, on my way to Chicago. It’s hard to believe that I boarded the plane this morning at 6:20 a.m. that would take me away from the San Francisco I love so much. But this is where the transition starts, where the next part of my life begins to happen.
Maybe I mentioned it elsewhere, but I never really said goodbye to SF before when I left it. I’ve left twice before: first, I went to Munich, and thereafter Chicago, and then in 2003, I went to Italy. I may have known I’d be back. Okay, I’ll be back because it became my home, because I love it.
But this time, I took care to say farewell. Yesterday, I went to Ritual for the last time, where one of the owners, Eileen declared it was drink-all-the-coffee-you-can day (I finished two beautiful medium lattes and a double macchiato — I exuded caffeine out of my pores the rest of the day). I had meetings at Six Apart for the freelance work I’ve been doing with the company, and had beers with Jay. When I went home to pack up, Angie, Anita and Jeremiah (who will be a schoolmate in a couple weeks) came by, as Bryce entertained my now former upstairs neighbors and two future, potential roommates).
That was just today. There was another amazing going-away party — John hosted it on Saturday night. We enjoyed
food, company and soft, lovely twilight. There were shared tables at Ritual with my new buddies there, hoisted glasses at the Latin American Club, daily wanderings through the Mission, voyages downtown and to the Lower Haight.This all feels grounded (despite the fact that I couldn’t sleep last night — I had to get up at 4 to go to the airport),
than other moves I’ve done. As I started writing this post, I was listening to Postal Service sing “Brand New Colony
“Everything will change.” It brings tears to my eyes, it makes me feel big and small at the same time. A new part of my life begins right now. I loved the old part of my life, too, and I can’t yet imagine what this new one brings. I can’t quite believe it’s finally here.