I was exhausted last night and went straight to bed after dinner at Jonathan’s. That’s why I missed the news of the blasts in Mumbai (Bombay): serial blasts across the city during rush hour. 164 people were killed. It seems to be the work of two Islamic militant groups, one Pakistani, the other a student group in Mumbai, working in concert with each other in Mumbai’s state. (More specifically, Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba and activists of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)).
I am in Bangalore, not Mumbai. Bangalore is about 1000 km, or 600 miles from Mumbai (and I sense that it’s a world away in many ways). So I’m fine–we’re all fine–here in Bangalore. I hope the same will be the case for the families and friends of the people I work with and have gotten to know in the week I’ve been here. Will report more soon.
Glad to hear you are many miles away, Molly, and safe. I heard the news and my heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure where you were in India. It is strange to have friends around the world and to get that panicked feeling when watching the international news.
Stay safe, Molly.