As I wind up my research here at Microsoft Research, I’m shifting back toward the other part of my thesis research: Cedric Price and his characterization of mobile, social space. On that note, here are a few things for you. First, my position paper, “The O.C. Fun Palace,” accepted for Ubicomp 2006’s Exurban Noir workshop. Organized by Ken Anderson, Anthony Burke, Eric Paulos and Amanda Williams, the workshop promises to be an interesting few days.
I’m giving a talk on Monday night at the Center for Knowledge Societies on Cedric Price, Archigram and Superstudio, as architects who characterized mobile, social space. I’ve always enjoyed introducing more architecture back into the world and think it will be fun.
Then, back to my MSR research for the final stuff: what will likely be 40 interviews of people across class lines and their mobile phone sharing habits. It’s yielded different results than I’ve expected, which makes me even happier.
One week left! Then, I head to London, Düsseldorf, and Amsterdam from the 14th till the 21st. On the 21st, I go to Minneapolis for a week. Finally, on the 27th, it’s back to New Haven for the beginning of school on September 6.
Glad to hear your research surprised you, that means you’ve learned!
Let’s see if we can schedule a drink when you’re in Amsterdam. Hey, maybe you’ll get to meet little Kasper! 🙂