English curry!

English curry!

Originally uploaded by maximolly.

We made a visit to Bangalore’s biggest slum. There’s more to share about that whole experience and the conversations I had with the women we spoke to. But in the meantime, there’s this amusing picture. We had just finished visiting one family and were about to go to another family’s place. Gautam, my research assistant (you can see him way on the left hand side in navy blue) said, “Your appearance is causing a stir.”

All of a sudden, kids everywhere. We were all laughing. I asked if I could take a picture. More kids appeared. Then more. “English curry!” they yelled. We took a few pictures. Unlike tourist areas, where children demand pens and 10 rupees, here, we just took pictures and looked at the viewer together.

A few hours later, after visiting another group of women, more yelling. “English curry!”

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