Catching my breath

There's been so much going on. Finish thesis? Defend thesis. Defended and passed? Present thesis. Finish presentation? Work with Tristam on my end-of-year-show poster. Poster printed? Work on my Smart Materials class demonstration. Work done? Go to New York and present.

Okay fine. I think I'm done now with everything but rewriting my thesis introduction — and putting on a mortarboard and black robe and shaking Dean Robert A. M. Stern's hand. There's a project to jam on for my favorite professor this week.

But it's nearly done. I can't believe how quickly the last two years have gone. It's strange to get to the end–the system is set up to neatly poop you out the other end, turn off your ID card and your access to the computer lab and libraries. I'll be a Yale alum, not a Yale student.

This summer, it looks like I'm going to be working with a Danish r&d firm and to that end will be in Denmark, the US and China. Not sure where and when on any of those fronts — more to follow. I'm also thinking of going to Supernova, which means SAN FRANCISCO on June 20. We'll see.

Sheesh. So close to done. So. Close.

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