I was in NYC Thursday night, where I met a number of people: Jane, Jane-who-works-with-Jane, Jenn, Heather, Olof and Leonora. Last stop of the evening was dinner at Peasant, a nice Nolita restaurant. I had skate wing, and unfortunately, I think that it was either bad or more likely, was served with some kind seafood I can’t eat (I’m allergic to mussels, clams, scallops and so on), or was near it.
By 6 a.m. Friday, I had a splitting headache and stomach cramps. Since then, I’ve eaten a few triscuits, a few tortilla chips, a few crackers, and a bowl of rice and chicken broth. Still have the headache, but the stomach cramps are subsiding.
Tomorrow, I go to Seattle for the Microsoft Social Computing Symposium, and I hope I’m recovered by then. This has been miserable.