On November 1, the Worldchanging book hit the shelves. I wrote a few pieces for it in the “Retrofitting Suburbia” section about ways to retool suburbia to fight sprawl. The book is chock full of information about sustainable approaches to living on this planet. It reminds me a little of the Whole Earth Catalog at… Continue reading Worldchanging book
Author: molly
Posted three hours before I turned 35
Almost 35 Originally uploaded by maximolly. It’s my birthday! I am now 35 years old. This is freaking me out because I’ve forever left the 18-34 demographic. And when many of the people I celebrated with turn 35, I will be on my way to exiting the demographic for the 50-64! We had a wonderful… Continue reading Posted three hours before I turned 35
Andy and Carrie, my brother and new sister-in-law: married!
November is almost done. I’m almost 35. Ugh. Here are a few posts about what’s been up. First, on November 4, 2006, my brother Andy married his longtime girlfriend Carrie. Andy and Carrie are the parents of Jack (almost 7) and Maddie, aka Mamie (age 2) and have been together for close to nine years.… Continue reading Andy and Carrie, my brother and new sister-in-law: married!
Pelosi in da house
… while Dems in the Senate rock it. Today, I sent this note to Harvey Jacobs, the urban planning professor I had in 1994. He taught Green Politics. Dear Professor Jacobs, In 1994, I took your Green Politics class as a senior German major. I wouldn’t expect you to remember me, but our final project… Continue reading Pelosi in da house
Core77 posts about my mobile phone sharing in India research
When I was in San Francisco a few weeks ago, I gave a talk at Giant Ant and at Yahoo! Research Berkeley. I presented about my research on urban mobile phone sharing, conducted while at Microsoft Research India in Bangalore. I’d had many discussions with Steve Portigal about his Bangalore experience in comparison to mine:… Continue reading Core77 posts about my mobile phone sharing in India research
“Play is a form of order” and the dimension of the trace
For a year, I’ve had this on an electronic sticky on my Mac desktop: With the trace <Spur>, a new dimension accrues to “immediate experience.” It is no longer tied to the expectation of “adventure”; the one who undergoes an experience can follow the trace that leads there.Whoever follows traces must not only pay attention;… Continue reading “Play is a form of order” and the dimension of the trace
Wer ist in? Wer ist out?
Originally by Serge Gainsbourg (“Qui est in?”), this is the Stereo Total version which I like better because it’s raunchier sounding. I post it because I’m sitting in my Systems and their Theories class taught by one of my favorite professors, Henry Sussman, and we’re working through Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. We’re talking about things… Continue reading Wer ist in? Wer ist out?
My new friend in SF
the michelin man! Originally uploaded by maximolly. This was the best. thing. ever. On my way to meet John for dinner at the Slanted Door, I ran into Bibendum, the Michelin Man! I even got him to dance. Note the zipper in the middle.
Ned Lamont + posse near campus
Ned Lamont + posse near campus Originally uploaded by maximolly. Walking to Ciao Bella to get gelato on a beautiful day, we encountered Ned’s posse!
Mobile Modalities: Sharing Mobile Phones in Urban India
Next week and the week after, I’m going to be talking about the work I did at Microsoft Research India: an ethnographic study in Bangalore, India on mobile phone sharing and how it plays out in domestic and urban space. I’d love to see you there. In New York, I’ll be speaking on Wednesday, September… Continue reading Mobile Modalities: Sharing Mobile Phones in Urban India