I’m sitting at Chicago O’Hare, wending my way back across the US after Ubicomp. The conference goes on for two more days but I have to go to my James Stirling seminar tomorrow, so I’m coming back. Altogether, it was a satisfying conference. It was fruitful, it was fun, it was social. First, Amanda, Eric,… Continue reading Ubi-recap
Author: molly
Ubicomp and fun palaces
It’s always hard to start writing when school starts. I slacked last year, I’m slacking this year. But since today, I leave town, I must publish. My first week of school, I had to turn in a 20 page chunk of my thesis on Cedric Price. If I owe you email and haven’t written, that’s… Continue reading Ubicomp and fun palaces
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 Originally uploaded by douglas. (School starts tomorrow. I don’t believe that Web 2.0 exists. So this is lovely.) Douglas posts cards. See a familiar one in there? I’d peg that at SXSW 99. Or Web 99.
No spectators?
No spectators? Originally uploaded by maximolly. There is something wrong with watching the burn on cable TV, while it pisses rain in Connecticut. But that’s what I did. My camp, the Roarshack, is scrolling by as the man explodes in fireworks before catching on fire.
Terra americana
I’m back in the United States, currently in Minneapolis, after 21 hours of some of the most unpleasant travel I’ve ever experienced. I will never fly British Airways again because of their ranging-from-merely-inconsiderate-to-downright-rude customer service agents on the ground at Heathrow, the 2 1/2 hour departure delay due to the airline not completing its paperwork,… Continue reading Terra americana
Eine Bücherkette: a chain of books
Every time I go to Düsseldorf, I visit my friend Rudolf’s bookstore, Literatur bei Müller. I’ve been going to the store since it opened, when I was 18. But I’ve been friends with Rudolf since 1993, when I lived in France and would come to visit Düsseldorf. I would go to whatever readings they had… Continue reading Eine Bücherkette: a chain of books
We’re leaving everything behind
“We’re leaving everything behind,” the blonde haired little girl said in the glass elevator at the Brussels Midi train station. I laughed and made eye contact with her parents. “That about sums it up,” I said. I’m adjusting to having left India. I knew I’d have to adjust but I’m surprised at how it’s affecting… Continue reading We’re leaving everything behind
Lillian Dowling, the world was richer with you in it
Last night, my mom gave me the news that Lillian Dowling died on August 15. She was 99. Lillian was my Grandpa Ed’s partner from 1989 till 2004. They never married (though my grandfather had married two other women after my Nana died in 1979–all three of his wives died of cancer and I think… Continue reading Lillian Dowling, the world was richer with you in it
A very uneventful flight
My flight was completely uneventful. I got to the airport at 3 a.m., waited outside for 45 minutes, realized a machine gun was pointed right at me at one moment in line (shudder). I checked my laptop and phone but didn’t need to, and could have brought a book on board after all. British Airways… Continue reading A very uneventful flight
This is the day
This is what I’ve listened to on repeat since last night. Now that I note the lyrics, I think I see why. Well… you didn’t wake up this morning — Because you didn’t go to bed. You were watching the whites of your eyes turn red The calendar, on your wall, is ticking the days… Continue reading This is the day