I’ve been loving the DIY Media panel at SXSW — I’ve just seen Limor Fried speak, and she is rocking my world. Go check out the amazing things she makes. She does open source hardware and really cool stuff. For all the women blogger movements and panels and such I see (and I do appreciate:… Continue reading Limor Fried is cool
Author: molly
My panel on CNET
My SXSW panel just got a mention in CNET today. We leave for Austin around 3. Yay!
Texas is the reason, 9th edition
It’s March, and that means it’s time for South by Southwest Interactive. This will be my ninth consecutive conference, and I’ll be speaking on the “Cyberplace– Online in Offline Spaces, and Vice-Versa” panel, with Heath Row of Squidoo, Dennis Crowley of Dodgeball, Michael Sharon of Socialight, and Scott Heiferman of Meetup. As far as I… Continue reading Texas is the reason, 9th edition
A SF decade
A decade ago today, I closed up my bags in New York, got on a flight, and moved to San Francisco. I loved the view of the Noe Valley hills out the front apartment windows. I loved the nature of the light and the air, the colors of the buildings, the coffee shop around the… Continue reading A SF decade
10 things
Okay. Maggie tagged me and wants me to name 10 interesting things about myself. In turn, I’m tagging my friend Fred, who may be looking to procrastinate before his final review. 1. My favorite thing to ask people is, what’s the thing you know a lot about, that no one ever asks you about, or… Continue reading 10 things
Gespenst der Republik (Spook of the Republic)
I’m back from Berlin, with a bad cold in hand (as well as several new books I couldn’t get in the US on the Palast der Republik and Plattenbau). The trip was very fruitful … we were lucky enough to go inside the Palast der Republik, and for those of you who read German, you… Continue reading Gespenst der Republik (Spook of the Republic)
Mile high post
It’s one thing to write a blog post while flying. It’s another to post from 39,000 feet, ostensibly somewhere above Iceland, on my way to Berlin. To make matters even better, it’s free: the authentication server was down. So I’m getting free wireless all the way there. (I plan to sleep most of the way,… Continue reading Mile high post
Berlin tomorrow
It’s a few weeks into the semester and tomorrow is the Stefan Behnisch studio trip to Berlin. It’s my second time there since November’s Design Engaged. We’re going to be looking at the Palast der Republik, and I’m going to be scouting archives, Plattenbau, and ornament. Also, the Transmediale is happening, which will be good,… Continue reading Berlin tomorrow
Goin’ down to South Park…
I’m procrastinating. This is the South Park version of me and Enrique (though in real life, he is a foot taller than me, almost.) It’s Jeff Robbins’ fault because of his his South Park family. You too can get one at the South Park Studio.
My 2005 cities
Jenn, inspired by Meg and Jason, did her own year in cities. In turn, she inspired me. I was on the road a lot this year. Five countries. Lots of cities, lots of long stays in places. This year, I’ll probably travel less. Cities with asterisks were visited on multiple occassions on non-consecutive days. *… Continue reading My 2005 cities