I’ve done it! I just moved back to Madison, Wisconsin, almost exactly 18 years after I left. I have joined the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an assistant professor, where my focus is digital media studies. I’m surrounded by an outstanding group of colleagues and students and can’t… Continue reading Welcome to Madison!
Category: academia
Speaking at the Princeton Media + Modernity lecture series
Very excited about this. I’m speaking in the Media + Modernity lecture series at Princeton on Thursday, October 14th along with my dear friend Janet Vertesi. I’ll be talking about Cedric Price and she’ll be talking about her dissertation research on images and the Mars Rover. If you’re interested, if you’re on campus or around… Continue reading Speaking at the Princeton Media + Modernity lecture series
weeknote 13: greetings from montreal
Greetings from the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal! I’m here on a Collections Research Grant to use the Cedric Price Archive. There are about 30 scholars in residence right now from the US, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and points beyond, some younger, some more advanced, some traditionally academic, others less traditional like Geoff… Continue reading weeknote 13: greetings from montreal
Dissertation proposal! Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80
UPDATE: My dissertation proposal. I’ve completed my dissertation proposal! My dissertation is tentatively titled “Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80.” At noon, I defend it. Wish me luck! Here is the abstract: With the advent of the information age, architects in the 1960s and 70s found themselves contending with more complex design problems than… Continue reading Dissertation proposal! Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80
Catching up
I’d been chugging along, updating Girlwonder frequently and then school started up again. Somehow, I’m now midway through my final semester of coursework at Princeton. This month is the month of conferences… today at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology conference, I present “Shared and Sometimes Stealthy: India’s Mobile Phone.” Then, I go to my 12th South by… Continue reading Catching up
The series of tubes is out of control
Yesterday, I woke up to a bunch of comment notifications on a post I’d written about pneumatic tubes and the postal service in France on Active Social Plastic, my other blog. My first thought was, “Uh oh. Spam.” (There’s an inferiority complex for you.) It turned out that Bruce Sterling and Cory Doctorow at Boing… Continue reading The series of tubes is out of control
Paper writing time
The way things work in my PhD program, we have a 12-week semester and then we write research papers. The papers aren’t generally due within the semester. In the winter, we hand them in in January, during the reading period. I’m firmly in the middle of that period right now. So far, it’s going well.… Continue reading Paper writing time
There’s a nice epilogue to the whole grading story for the semester. On Monday, I got email from the professor who taught my favorite class last semester — a straight history class on Europe between the wars. I got an A- on the paper and an A in the class. (It made me cry.) This… Continue reading Protection
Final review at 1:30 — done!
Please to cross your fingers for me, to send good thoughts, to wish me well. At 1:30, I give my final semester presentation. It’s been an exhausting week, between long papers and my first Ph.D. application (and more than that–I’ll post later). But. Think well of me at 1:30. This is the most exhausting presentation… Continue reading Final review at 1:30 — done!
An history of wrong footing
“NB* The socially delightful usefulness of responsive architecture has only recently gathered an establishment smart gloss and in so doing has cheapened the tight nice original usage of the very word—responsive.” –Cedric Price, “AN HISTORY OF WRONG FOOTING—THE IMMEDIATE PAST,” undated. Generator Folio DR1995:0280:65, 1/5, Cedric Price Archives, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. Cedric Price… Continue reading An history of wrong footing