The week that I’m starting to teach Media Fluency for the Digital Age, this is perhaps fitting… Webzine 99. I’m in this video twice.
Category: personal
Big news and updates
As of January 2013, I will be joining the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism & Mass Communication faculty as an assistant professor, where my focus will be on digital media. I could not be more delighted. In 1994, 18 years ago this month, I did my first web project in that program; now I… Continue reading Big news and updates
Report from Umeå
Above: a beautiful and violent sunrise at 8:15 am (the picture was taken from my bed!). No snow yet, which is rare, but the light is really something—that is, until the sun sets at 2:30 in the afternoon. For the last three weeks, I’ve been a visiting researcher at the HUMLab digital humanities lab at… Continue reading Report from Umeå
My last note of my 30s
Left, age 29. Right, age 39. Today, I am 39. Tomorrow, I will be 40. A decade ago, I was miserable. I had just met people who would become dear friends (Louisa, Tom) in Chicago and who I still adore, but didn’t know them well yet. I’d been laid off twice in a year. My… Continue reading My last note of my 30s
Upcoming adventures
I’m sitting at the airport again, about to embark on a five or six stop trip over the next month. Oh my! Speaking-wise, my first stop is the ACSA (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture) annual conference in Montreal, one of my favorite cities in the world. I’m giving another paper on Cedric Price and… Continue reading Upcoming adventures
Oh the places you’ll see
Lots of travel. Lots of projects. Lots of papers and writing. Lots of arguing with the structure of my dissertation. Lots of airplanes. Lots of mud and melting snow in Princeton, where I sit at my desk right now. It’s the quiet before the storm — I’ll post about what’s coming up in my next… Continue reading Oh the places you’ll see
Speaking at the Princeton Media + Modernity lecture series
Very excited about this. I’m speaking in the Media + Modernity lecture series at Princeton on Thursday, October 14th along with my dear friend Janet Vertesi. I’ll be talking about Cedric Price and she’ll be talking about her dissertation research on images and the Mars Rover. If you’re interested, if you’re on campus or around… Continue reading Speaking at the Princeton Media + Modernity lecture series
You really wish you could attend these conferences
You so wish you could attend these two conferences. But you won’t be invited. You’re more than 34 years too late. There’s “The Invisible City,” the theme of the 1972 International Design Conference Aspen. It promised to “address the implications of making the invisible city visible: of changing misuse into use and apathy into engagement.… Continue reading You really wish you could attend these conferences
Google Zeitgeist: A Series of Tubes
Last week, I attended Google Zeitgeist and gave the “Series of Tubes” Ignite talk about the history of pneumatic tubes. The event was mindbogglingly stellar. You’ve probably seen some version of this by now, but here’s the latest. (On the Zeitgeist Minds site, they list Desmond Tutu’s talk from a previous year as a related… Continue reading Google Zeitgeist: A Series of Tubes
Speaking Thursday, 9/16 (tomorrow) on architecture & information
My good friends at Adaptive Path are hosting a talk I’m giving tomorrow night on my research — on the history of architectures of information. Do come! I’m very excited to be sharing what I’ve been finding. Most of it hasn’t been published or presented anywhere since the mid 60s. Here’s the gist of my… Continue reading Speaking Thursday, 9/16 (tomorrow) on architecture & information