2008 cities

As inspired by Jason Kottke (and as reported previously on this site about 2005 and 2006… 2007 skipped because it was an awful December and January), my 2008 year in cities. A * means multiple, non-consecutive trips. I traveled a lot; I also lived in Berlin for the summer. Of my personal velocity, Dopplr says:… Continue reading 2008 cities

come visit me at girlwonder and active social plastic

I like Vox. But I like my own domains better. So that's where I've gone. girlwonder, my personal site since 1997 (and in other forms since 1995) active social plastic, my blog about architecture, design, urbanism, music, literature and other more intellectual pursuits Please visit me there! Read and post comments | Send to a… Continue reading come visit me at girlwonder and active social plastic

QotD: Looking Back…

What part of your childhood do you miss the most?Submitted by Maretta. I miss the neighborhood where we lived: Macalester-Groveland in St. Paul, Minnesota. I grew up on Goodrich Avenue in St. Paul, which was walking and biking distance to all kinds of things. I had a best friend next door (Gretchen) and across the… Continue reading QotD: Looking Back…


There’s a nice epilogue to the whole grading story for the semester. On Monday, I got email from the professor who taught my favorite class last semester — a straight history class on Europe between the wars. I got an A- on the paper and an A in the class. (It made me cry.) This… Continue reading Protection

A front page story

Last week, we were in Düsseldorf and visited my favorite bookstore, Müller and Böhm in the Heinrich Heine Haus. I’m chuffed that Enrique and I are featured on the front page of the website. Last year, I wrote about the book chain they created when they moved into the Heinrich Heine Haus… that’s what they’re… Continue reading A front page story

2006: a look back

Two years ago, I came across this set of questions via Alex’s blog. My archives are still not up past a year ago so I can’t tell you how I got to it– just that it was through his site. For the last two years, I’ve looked forward to answering them again. This is my… Continue reading 2006: a look back

Categorized as personal

Worldchanging book

On November 1, the Worldchanging book hit the shelves. I wrote a few pieces for it in the “Retrofitting Suburbia” section about ways to retool suburbia to fight sprawl. The book is chock full of information about sustainable approaches to living on this planet. It reminds me a little of the Whole Earth Catalog at… Continue reading Worldchanging book