I’m tidying up a few things around my respective websites and wanted to sound a warning in case you read Girlwonder through a feed: it’s possible that the URLs for RSS will change. I’m switching blog platforms as well and even redesigning. On top of all of that, I’m going to roll the content of… Continue reading upcoming changes to girlwonder
Category: random
Urban computing conference title generator
Wanna speak at a conference? What if it’s about cities and architecture? Not your subject? No problem. It can be with the handy Urban Computing Conference Title Generator. (Brought to you by a brief bout of procrastination as I revise a paper on my old favorite, the pneumatic tube postal service, and prepare for a lecture at… Continue reading Urban computing conference title generator
Recent fascinations
In July, out of the blue, a friend’s cat attacked my leg, biting and scratching it until my friend pulled it off, without provocation. Later in the month, my bizarre allergy to Princeton’s mosquitos returned, causing a full-on systemic allergic reaction and requiring steroids. So for the start of August, here are some more pleasant… Continue reading Recent fascinations
SXSW redux coming soon
Just wanted to note that I’ve not forgotten to post a recap of the Tangible Interactions in Urban Spaces panel we put together at SXSW. A few life things (see next post) have happened. I’ll post this week.
2008 cities
As inspired by Jason Kottke (and as reported previously on this site about 2005 and 2006… 2007 skipped because it was an awful December and January), my 2008 year in cities. A * means multiple, non-consecutive trips. I traveled a lot; I also lived in Berlin for the summer. Of my personal velocity, Dopplr says:… Continue reading 2008 cities
Active Social Plastic: please visit me there
2010 update: Active Social Plastic is on hiatus and I’m handling its content here on Girlwonder.com. I’ve moved! I am blogging at Active Social Plastic — please find me there. Otherwise, I have completed my third semester of my PhD at Princeton University in architecture. My topics of interest include 19th century Paris, postal services,… Continue reading Active Social Plastic: please visit me there
Pelosi in da house
… while Dems in the Senate rock it. Today, I sent this note to Harvey Jacobs, the urban planning professor I had in 1994. He taught Green Politics. Dear Professor Jacobs, In 1994, I took your Green Politics class as a senior German major. I wouldn’t expect you to remember me, but our final project… Continue reading Pelosi in da house