Yesterday, I woke up to a bunch of comment notifications on a post I’d written about pneumatic tubes and the postal service in France on Active Social Plastic, my other blog. My first thought was, “Uh oh. Spam.” (There’s an inferiority complex for you.) It turned out that Bruce Sterling and Cory Doctorow at Boing… Continue reading The series of tubes is out of control
Category: writing
Paper writing time
The way things work in my PhD program, we have a 12-week semester and then we write research papers. The papers aren’t generally due within the semester. In the winter, we hand them in in January, during the reading period. I’m firmly in the middle of that period right now. So far, it’s going well.… Continue reading Paper writing time
girlwonder is back
Let me start this entry simply. I miss girlwonder. I’ve done less personal and public writing in the 3 1/2 years since I started graduate school. That feels like a long time. A year ago, I started Active Social Plastic to think about things related to my intellectual pursuits, but it’s not quite the same.… Continue reading girlwonder is back
Final review at 1:30 — done!
Please to cross your fingers for me, to send good thoughts, to wish me well. At 1:30, I give my final semester presentation. It’s been an exhausting week, between long papers and my first Ph.D. application (and more than that–I’ll post later). But. Think well of me at 1:30. This is the most exhausting presentation… Continue reading Final review at 1:30 — done!
Time and braveness
Use time well. Use time creatively. Don’t trap time. Don’t let time slip away. Don’t be scared. Be brave. This quote from Cedric Price Opera is in the Jude Kelly section on page 87. I’m not sure whether she said it but rather hope Cedric Price instead did. Kind words for me, as I write… Continue reading Time and braveness